I've come to a conclusion that everything is useless
art means nothing
your knowledge will get you nothing but a good impression
ever noticed why kids go to school?
learn nothing?
get jobs?
studied or cheated, school is a screening process
The hard working studied to learn the information and got good grades
the smarter kids cheating and didn't get cought
and then there were the lazy kids that failed
proved they weren't hard working or cleaver enough to make it in society
they're not gonna work and they can't cheat
Art has no value
music is a simple text book process combined with a controversal image to make money
write about the same damn thing and make your music sound just like the others and you just need to find an audiance accepting of cliche
painting and graphiti only gets the attention of self richious sychophants
Satan feel from heaven and we dont have any great minds to engeneer a brighter future
we've resorted to basic animal instincts
the wolves never knew more
I feel like you've just copied and pasted this shit.
Also, Satan and heaven? You must be as dumb as you sound to believe in that bullshit.